Wow! 2007 has been a wonderful and exciting year for the Kruse Family. At the beginning of '07 there was only two of us. And now at the end of '07 we are very proud to be a family of three! It is so hard to believe that when we woke up on Christmas morning our Alex Matthew was 7 months old. He is doing so many fun things right now. He is sitting up on his own, crawling all over and getting into EVERYTHING!
We had a wonderful Christmas this year, traveling all over the state of Nebraska in
order for Alex to spend the holiday with both sets of his grandparents. The trip to Mullen from Omaha was a very long one, with Alex not wanting to be in his car seat for at least 80% of the trip. It taught us how to truly "block out the crying."
We finally did make it to Mullen after being the in car for 6 1/2 hours and only stopping 4
times! But it was worth it. Alex loves being around Grandpa Don and Grandma Jane. Alex would only give kisses to Gpa Don and Alex loved receiving kisses from him as well. Gma Jane loved to pamper him...lets just say that Alex was given the royal treatment in the Sandhills.
While in Mullen, Alex was able to see his Great-Grandma Elva again. This was the second time the two have been able to see each other. Grandma Elva will turn, 99 the end of January. Alex did not get his picture taken with her this time, as she was already laying down getting ready for her mid-morning nap.
On Christmas Eve morning, we loaded A-Man back up in his favorite car seat and headed to Nana and PopPop's in Randolph. He did much better this trip as he was able to sleep most of the time. Mommy
and Daddy did have an experience as we stopped at a small town gas station to change a diaper. We went in and first of all there was only 1 uni-sex restroom. To our "city-thinking" surprise, there was no diaper changing station in the restroom. Mom held Alex in the air while Dad attempted to put a diaper on and get him dressed again. It was a success, but may have been the longest diaper change of Alex's life!
When we arrived in Randolph the whole family was waiting anxiously to play with Mr. Alex; Nana, PopPop, Uncle Derek (who made it safely home for break from Dominica!),
Aunt Tiffs and Uncle B. We spent time at Great-Grandma and Grandpa Hoesing for Christmas Eve Dinner. So much of the family was there. After that Alex made his first appearance at Midnight Mass. Mommy had to stay home because she got sick, but Daddy said he did great and loved the sight of the church and especially the choir!
Baby's First Christmas!! It was finally Christmas morning. Alex was all decked out in his Santa suit that Grandma Jane bought him.
By the time Alex got to his last present he was finally in the hang of how to open them! In the picture to the left, Alex is playing with his new John Deere Tractor PopPop of course had to get him! We had Christmas dinner with Uncle Brian's family - the Ebberson's. It was a delicious Prime Rib meal with all the trimmings. We are so blessed to have such a big, wonderful family! Big A was spoiled rotten by everyone in Randolph, it all barely fit in our Escape on the way back home to Omaha!
We are now home in Omaha, and Mommy is enjoying her time with her 'Lil Al' before she has to go back to school and while Daddy and the rest of his family get ready to go skiing in Colorado.
We are so blessed with all the gifts we have received in our life and especially in 2007. We can only image the wonderful blessings to come in 2008, and wish you all the same.
Take care and come visit us! God Bless each and everyone of you!
The Kruse's
Chad, Maria & Alex
Please check out our slideshow of pictures below. Enjoy!
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