For some reason the pictures of Alex's 2nd birthday are at the bottom of this post, so after our update will be the pictures from his party.
Now don't get me wrong...I am fully aware that our blog is totally out of date...I just never upload our pictures onto the computer for posting. But wait no longer. I decided for times sake to just post several pictures and give you a brief discription of each to get you caught up to what has been going on in our lives...ENJOY!
Here is the fast forward version of our 2009 so far...or what has happened when a camera has been present!

This is what a bath looks like on most nights for Alex...a couple toys, laying on the belly with water dripping onto his feet! The water dripping is essential!
Alex loves taking baths (aka: "bafs") and this time Murphy decided to join him for most of it...and A-man loved it!

Our first "whole" apple...check out the next picture to see the damage!

Not too bad, ugh?!! Mommy was so proud of him for eating this much of the apple that now Alex thinks we can grab an apple out of the fridge, take a couple of bits and then be "All done!" Oh well.
Easter 2009
Alex with our wonderful neighbors Alli, Christen and Gracen on his very first Easter egg hunt. He loved it! And Aunt Tiff came with us too. He wasn't too excited about picking the eggs up at first, but once he knew he could put them in his basket...he was lovin' it!

Alex and the Wooden Gang after the hunt! They all love each other so much!!
After hunting Easter eggs, Alex of course had to drag Aunt Tiff and Mommy to play at the park, even though it was pretty chili.
Finally we got Big A loaded in the car so we could eat after the egg hunt...look at that chili red nose!

Alex opening his Easter baskets. Of course he loved his Thomas the Train book!

Nana and Aunt Tiff bought Al Peep Glasses....Aunt Tiff's dog chuck thought he looked pretty good!

It snowed right before Easter this year so Papa and Alex built a snowman, and Alex loved every minute of it...even if his hands were all red! But...building a snowman wasn't the only thing Alex helped Papa built.......

he also helped Papa, Dad, and Uncle Derek build the new sun porch for the hot tub.

And he takes his building seriously. Chad helped him climb the ladder...this was only the first of about 500 trips up th ladder. Alex loves his tools and helping Daddy and Papa build!

Chad & Mia on the left and Uncle Brian & Aunt Tiff on the right....crashed after the awesome Easter turkey feast prepared by Nana!

The whole Kruse family! From left to right Mr. Alex, Maria, Chad, Sarah, Derek, Tiffany, Brian, Mary & Cary. We are quit the group....this was taken right after Easter Day Mass. What a blessing it was to have everyone together for such a wonderful holiday.
Just Playing Around!

Just another lazy Sunday spent with the Wewel's! Alex and Thaden are reading books together...who would have thought that the two of them together could sit this long - they are always on the go and love each others company...for the most part!
Alex lovin' life in his sand was even nice enough to let him have a little bit of water. For those of you who know Alex know he LOVES water!
This would be Alex saying "Please, can I have more water for my sandbox!!????!"
This would be Alex "who isn't tired" laying under our end table.
Alex has two loves in his life. He loves tools and he loves....
CLEANING! And this particular time he wanted to "vac" in Mom's flip flops I guess.
Our good friend ANG (aka Angie who now lives in Wisconsin...we are so sad...we love and miss you ANG!) Anyway, ANG loves Runza (which they don't have in WI) and so she picked up some chicken strips on the way to our house. As she was eating them, Alex decided she needed some help eating the french fries and since ANG was dipping her chicken he needed to walk over and dip his fries. Well as you can see from the picture...the honey mustard spilt right on his head and Alex was not to trilled about it - but took it like a champ. ANG and I were laughing and crying so hard, I am lucky I got this picture taken.
A Break for Mommy and Daddy!
Chad and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this May and the sweet husband he is surprised me with a trip to Kansas City to stay in a suite in the plaza. Nana, Papa, Uncle Derek and Aunt Tiff took Alex to Randolph for the weekend to watch him and brought him back just in time for his birthday party. Chad and I hung in the plaza and meet up with some of our great friend from KC. We even managed to sneak down to the new Power and Light District for a couple of drink. What a cool area!
This was the view as Chad and I threw back a couple sitting on the couches looking at the big screen at the Power and Light District. We totally enjoyed ourselves on our little trip away. It was definately needed for the both of us!
The ZOO!!
Alex wasn't too concerned about the animals at the zoo...but he was loving the WATER!!