May 25, 2009 -- Alex Turned 2 Today!
Luke, Brady, Tiff holding Adrienne, Caleb and Derek holding Alex while A-Man tastes his Choo-Choo cake. He took one hand full all the way up the side. He too knows how good Mary Ann cakes are!
Our wonderful friend Nicole playing with Alex.
Alex wants to be just like ANG. Since she had her "drink" in a napkin...Alex had wanted that too.
ANG and Mia. Wow...we miss you girl! Can't wait to see you over the 4th!
Alex opening presents with help from Dad, TJ, Caleb and Adrienne.
The after math of the present opening! There were a lot of presents...Alex was so spoiled.
Caleb enjoying his moster piece of Thomas cake.
The last and biggest present was his new TREK bike from Nana and Papa! Papa of course had to help him ride it!
Alex and his tools...inseperable!
Papa taught Alex how to use his measuring tape and measure with a pen. Nicole was helping him with this and so was our next door neighbor Dru.
Alex getting good use out of his new basketball hoop G-ma and G-pa Younkin got him....oh I mean Chris, Derek, Chad and Brady got good use out of it!
Chad and Caleb givin Alex and Adrienne a ride in Alex's wagon that he got for his birthday last year.

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