It's a new year and time to update our blog once again. Alex and Mommy (or Mama, according to Alex) absolutely loved their nice time off during Christmas break. Daddy (aka Dada) was also lucky enough to take a whole week off of work too. We went to our friends Chad and Karolina's wedding, traveled to Grandma and Grandpa's Younkin's in Mullen, then on Christmas eve we drove to Nana and Papa's in Randolph. While in Randolph we enjoyed time with Uncle Derek who is finally residing in the states again, and his new fiance, Sarah. Also got to see Uncle Brian and Aunt Tiffany...we always enjoy spending so much time with the two of them. Alex also got to play around with his great-grandparents; Grandma Kruse and Grandma & Grandpa Hoesing.
Alex sayin "cheese" (which is what he does when he knows he is getting his picture taken!) He was lovin' the "real phone" at Gma & Gpa Younkin's house. Sadly, I realized that we didn't get any pictures with Don and MJ. I guess they are going to have to visit soon so we can get some pictures with them!
Christmas morning at Nana & Papa's house with Uncle Derek, Sarah, Aunt Tiff. Uncle Brian was unavaliable because he was tending to the cows (becuase they need love on Christmas too!)

Nana teaching Alex how to play piano!
We came back to Omaha only to have no kitchen sink for eight days. First our pipes were clogged and luckly Papa was here to help fix that. We were able to get new kitchen counter tops and since Papa was here, he help Chad take out our old ones, so then our kitchen sink lived on the floor for four days. Finally we are back to normal ...well as normal as we can get!
Surprise! I am in the cabninet!
We didn't let the whole "no sink and counter tops" get in our way of hanging out with friends. One day when Maria's friends Angie and Lacey were over, Mommy wasn't paying the closest attention to Alex and he kind of got into her make-up. There is lip stick all over his shirt and the side of his face!

Alex and Maria enjoyed a little play date over break at the Ernst home. The kiddos thought they all needed to play in only their diapers. Isn't this the cutest picture ever?!?
A perfect close to a wonderful Christmas was the baptism of Miles Anthony,the son of our wonderful friends the John and Lindsay Wewel. Chad and Maria are so blessed to be Miles Anthony's God parents. God bless you little baby boy. (sorry the picture is blurry.)
We hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoyed some time with your family and friends like we did. May God bless you in the new year!
OMG I love all of it! Yeah for updating!! You rock! MUAH!
Oh, thanks so much for the update. It's so good to read what's going on in your lives and see the precious pictures. Does your friend take pictures for anyone. We seriously need to get some family photos taken, since we haven't done that.... hmmmmm... ever. I like her pictures.
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