The wonderful thing about watching Keith, beside for his looks, is that he is so musically talented!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Keith UpClose....Real Close!!!
The wonderful thing about watching Keith, beside for his looks, is that he is so musically talented!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Summer Fun
We had friends over! Caleb and Adrienne came over to play a couple of times. I made chocolate chip teddy bear pancakes...they were lovin' life!
The end of the night...winding down watching Thomas on the tube. The look on Adrienne's face says it all, "You boys are obsessed!"
We enjoyed a nice saturday with the Wewel's and all of the clean personal working at the LaVista Fair Carnival. :) Chad, Alex, John & Thaden on the carrousel!
Alex loving the motorcycles, as he is riding on the back of Thaden's "Harley!"
Chad and Alex rode down the tall slide, Mommy even got to ride down the slide with Alex...just no picture. :(
Alex and Thaden riding the train...more than once of course!
I love these moments....when I walk into a room and find Alex doing something that just makes my heart melt. This was right before Alex got his big boy bed and I caught him laying on the floor reading books. Alex loves this Thomas book so much that we read it before nap and bedtime everyday! He has every page memorized and will always say the last word on every page!