The Kruse family has been able to hang out quite a bit during this Advent Season. We have done lots of things as a family. Here are some of them...
Alex all decked out in his winter "Puttin' Up Lights" Gear.
Alex and Dad on a little break from hanging up Christmas lights outside.
Although Chad looks drunk...I can guarantee you he isn't! This is one of those squeeze together and hope we can all fit into this picture, picture.
This may be the cutest pose over...actually after decorating outside, he settled down to watch a little TV and this is how I caught him sitting...too cute!
Alex putting the Angel on top of our Christmas tree.
Alex loves riding the wheel and Mom is terrified of it, so Dad got to ride with him. This could be on Alex's Top 5 List of things to do!
Alex and Dad getting off the Wheel.
Alex helping Mom and Dad shovel show during our 1st big snow of the season.

S N O W D A Y! -
T H A T T U R N E D I N T O 3 S N O W D A YS!!!
T H A T T U R N E D I N T O 3 S N O W D A YS!!!

What a little helper! Like father, like son.
Alex and Mom got to spend 3 whole days at home becuase of the snow! Dad got to spend one day at home with us too...but he was not fun because he had to work from his computer the whole day!
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